The average Sugar Glider's life span is estimated to be roughly between 10-15 years in captivity.
This is based on the Sugar Glider's getting the proper activities, care, diet, play time, etc...
However just like humans and any other animal, all gliders are different and some may live a lot
longer then other's.
Sugar Glider's are very social most of the time, need attention and crave a lot of companionship.
This is why it is best to get 2 (or more) to be sure there is a play-mate and never lonely. It is possible to have a
single glider, however remember he/she will need more time and attention then if there is a buddy to play with. PLUS
with 2 joey's they are more tempted to come out, explore and play.
Introducing joey's normally is not all that hard, however it may more difficult when it comes
to adults. Some glider's get along well with other, where as others would just prefer not meeting new Sugar Glider's.
This is why it is best to introduce (all wanted together) at a young age.
Some glider's bond well with their owner(s) right from the start, where others take longer and
need more time before fully bonded. However the time spend with them bonding is worth it because they can be very "lovey"
and devoted to their owner(s).
The estimated body size of a full grown Sugar Glider is about 5-6 inches long and the tail
is roughly about 6 inches. They weigh some-where between 4oz-6oz, but each glider is different and some may be bigger/smaller
then others.
They have soft fur with furry membranes that extend from wrist's to ankles. This membrane is called
PATAGIUM and allows them to glide through the air.
Also be careful of teeth and sharp nails because they can/will bite and/or scratch.
Gliders are MARSUPIALS, simply meaning that their young are born very immature and grow in the mother's
pouch, which is located on her abdomen.
Crabbing, screeching and even barking like noise's are all normal for your joey's and even adults
to make. These noise's can be heard even in the early mornings (5am-6am) at times.
Sugar Glider's are nocturnal so they are most active at nigh. Their usual play time is roughly
11:00pm-4:00am and sometimes later/earlier.. Thay are more then happy however spending the day time with their owner
while sleeping in their bonding pouch.
Some (not all) can also get into the habit of not minding new people, where as others just prefer
not to meet anybody new and take some time to get to know people and even other gliders.