in BLUE are things that can be bought at any time because they do not go bad.
- Cage
- Water bottle (for small
- 2 Feeding bowls (for fresh
foods that can go bad easy)
- Bonding pouch
- Cage pouch
- Climbing branch ( be sure
are safe if using)
- Wodent Wheel (with 4 cable
ties to secure)
- Cage toys (4 or more)
- Protection to fit the bottom
of the cage (recently I started using pieces of fabric)
- Bonding tent
- Outlet covers
- Sugar Glider information
- Journal
- Camera
listed in PURPLE, should be made by hand, however I do have them available for sale.
- Zipper, window, double
layer bonding pouch with blanket
- Drawstring bonding pouch
with blanket
- Cage pouch
- Blanket
- Corner hammock
- Hammock
- Climbing rope
- Cube
- Mattress
- Toy ring
- Joey bridge
- Cage cover
in RED is everything to include with Medical Emergency Kit
list does not include needles, etc.. because I do NOT recommend you use these unless properly trained)
Spare cage
Spare bonding pouch
Spare cage set
Bird feeder dispenser (for feeding with e-collar)
Heating pad
Fleece blanket (to wrap glider and keep warm)
Q-tips (cleaning wounds and applying medication creams)
1 cc syringes without needle (for giving oral medication)
French catheter #5 (feeding babies & adults)
Baby finger nail cutters
Sterile cotton pads/bandages
First aid gauze wrap
Tooth picks
Small scissors
Small adhesive tape
E-collar (or instruction and material)
Mineral oil
Corn starch (to clot blood)
Marsupial milk for emergency feeding
Neosporin plus pain relief (use with e-collar)
Hydrogen Peroxide (incase of bite or scratch)
Sugar Gliders family vet contact info (including after hours/emergency)
Credit card for emergency vet visits only (should
be min. $300)
List of other vets that treat sugar gliders (if unable to contact family vet)
in GREY is a list of things to get right before you bring the joey's home. These things can go bad, so be careful not to get
them too early.
- Ingredients of the diet
breeder has been feeding them
- Sugar glider staple food
- Glider safe and recommended
- Crickets (frozen or live)
- Meal worms
- Fruits (baby food)
- Fresh fruits
- Fresh sweet veggies
- Fresh meat (depending on
what breeder recommends)
- Honey
- Apple juice (baby)